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Cybersecurity And Life Sciences: A Focus On Cyber Resiliency

Cybersecurity And Life Sciences: A Focus On Cyber Resiliency

Key Points:

  • A next-level cybersecurity strategy that helps prepare you for this.
  • If you want to know what cyber resiliency is, this excerpt reveals all.
  • The first step you’ll take will begin moving your company forward.
  • This next-level strategy guarantees everyone is on the same page.

As the global market continually changes, so does the technology landscape. Every industry and sector, especially life sciences, often miss the signs they’re being targeted. Also, many in leadership roles for these organizations commonly dismiss the urgency to act and prepare.

Due to that lack of concern or taking actionable steps is why cybercriminals specifically target life sciences and successfully breach and steal from these companies. In today’s video, Jeremy Kushner, CEO of BACS Consulting Group, gives you a next-level strategy you can use now.

What Is Cyber Resiliency?

The best and most accurate definition of cyber resiliency comes directly from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It states:

“The ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks, or compromises on systems that use or are enabled by cyber resources. Cyber resiliency is intended to enable mission or business objectives that depend on cyber resources to be achieved in a contested cyber environment.” [1]

Simply put, cyber resilience gives you the ability to fully understand that cybercriminals have a unique advantage over your organization. They use cutting-edge tools, always have the element of surprise on their side, and are often successful with their hacking skills.

With these details, decision-makers at life science companies can anticipate and take the necessary steps to prepare themselves against cybercriminals targeting them. All the data, information, and resources to protect your organization from threat actors are at your fingertips.

Here’s Your First Step Moving Forward

Now that you’re aware your life sciences organization is a constant target, you can conclude it’s no longer “if” but “when” a breach takes place. Your first step is conducting scheduled audits of your organization’s environment.

That will include onsite locations and remote work environments, such as employee homes. But it doesn’t stop there. College interns must also be included in your auditing processes, provided your life sciences company uses these individuals.

Beyond that, you must also look at those who provide goods and services to your company. That would be your vendors, contractors, and foreign and domestic manufacturers. It’s not that you no longer trust them; you must uncover their level of cybersecurity awareness.

Taking Your Cyber Resiliency To The Next Level

Cybersecurity for the Life Sciences space is a long game. You’re never out of the woods from hackers, scammers, and cybercriminals wanting to break into your systems. But you have a viable shield you can access for your organization’s protection.

That next-level strategy ensures your staff, volunteers, and those who provide services to your company are on the same page. The protection comes in the form of cyber-resilient training. With it, each can easily spot and notify you of cybersecurity anomalies they find.

The main reason for ongoing training is that new threats are constantly happening. The entire global technology environment is continually evolving. And cybercriminals are ruthlessly and aggressively searching for new tools and techniques to target and defeat your defenses.

Cyber Resiliency Assistance From BACS Consulting Group

Locating and hiring qualified security talent has recently become a challenge for many life sciences organizations. Finding the right person to support technical and operational activities has gotten harder for decision-makers.

You already know your organization needs to identify the risks and how to remove them quickly. If that’s you, BACS Consulting Group can help you upgrade your cybersecurity stance. Contact us today to address your cyber resiliency concerns, or call (650) 383-3850.
