Staying out of trouble may mean something as simple as just not going where problems hang out. Sound judgment and wise decision-making can help avoid mistakes with no harm done. However, when the potential for running into trouble involves the web, adventuring into unknown areas can lead to serious consequences.

The risks of unprotected computer systems include malicious hacking and dangerous downloads of malware, spyware, and ransomware. All intrusions can create extensive damage that you may never recover from completely. Web filtering protection offers an efficient and effective alternative that blocks malicious attacks on your company’s computer network.

How Does Web Filtering Work?

A safeguard that prevents anyone from accessing dangerous websites can successfully remove risk. Users who may unknowingly choose to visit a site that contains threats to your computer system can benefit from technology that prevents it. Web filters can prevent browsers from viewing pages from unacceptable sites through sophisticated identification of dangerous URLs or websites. A systematic approach to comparing known hazardous websites to a URL filtering database provides an effective defense against malicious intrusion. The technology can allow or prevent access to manage the controls that you choose.

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Types of Web Filter Controls

By screening URLs, technology can identify acceptable websites for users to access. The filters that you establish for protection can block pages that threaten to damage your network. Avoidance of downloaded viruses, spyware, and other inappropriate content can spare a business some massive inconveniences.

Blocking websites with reputations as phishing sites or distributors of malware can prevent significant damage to a computer system. Of particular concern to business owners, malicious intrusion may destroy customer databases and deprive a company of essential CRM options.

With URL matching, a type of web filtering, you can enforce company policy and reject specific web traffic categories. With the criteria that you can select when installing web filtering protection, you can ensure the blocking of any information category.

Why Do Companies Need Web Filtering?

Prevention of cybersecurity attacks presents a viable reason that justifies an investment in web filtering. Additionally, the practice limits access to specified websites increases network security and enhances workplace productivity.

Employee Productivity

While almost no manager wants to admit that employees use office computers for purposes unrelated to work, most know that the practice exists. Some even acknowledge that letting employees take a break can contribute to productivity. An occasional visit to an online gaming site or a brief look at a streaming video may seem acceptable. However, going online to shop, check the news headlines, or catch up with the latest social media comments can impact productivity. Web filtering can reduce the use of bandwidth-guzzling applications and remove the temptation to access distracting and unproductive searches.

Compliance with Guidelines

Similar to placing a limit on employee access to entertainment, web filtering can prevent risks that can occur on sites that offer gambling or pornography. Often the source of cyber threats to computer security, the sites present risks that web filtering prevents.

Cyber Attack Prevention

A consistent defense with web filtering protects a computer network against malicious intrusion. Sites that can download webpages that introduce malware may need to make several attempts before succeeding. When companies identify malicious webpages as unacceptable, URL web filtering can exclude them from admission. The process protects companies from malicious downloads, cybercriminal activity, phishing expeditions, and malware installation.

What Benefits Do Businesses Get with Web Filtering?

The overall benefit of web filtering to businesses allows companies to control access to the internet. Within the expanse of benefits that accrue from the capability, many handle issues that companies need to address. The efficiency and ease with which web filtering manages business concerns make it worth considering.

Restricted Access to Specific Websites

Companies may have various reasons to limit employee access to selected websites, and many relate to productivity issues. Blocked access to illegal or inappropriate websites, dating sites, social media, or other interests can keep employees focused on work-related tasks. A reduction in lost productivity can favorably affect corporate profit for large or small enterprises.

Enhanced Network Security

Whether knowingly or not, employee actions allow breaches in network security. Every business hopes that company loyalty and respect for the organization prevents workers from allowing malicious attacks to a company network. However, the issue presents complications that companies cannot ignore. Websites that want to gain admission to networks can make attractive appeals to users while not seeming dangerous. Web filtering manages the threat to security by disallowing access to potentially hazardous sites.

Improved Connectivity

Extracurricular activities unrelated to job tasks may not seem like much of a drain on a company’s bandwidth. However, the amount can become significant with widespread use. A cost-saving measure that employees can accept willingly with an explanation, web filtering that blocks frivolous activity can affect the bottom line. Small businesses often face connectivity issues and need to avoid an unnecessary drain on bandwidth. Web filtering offers a viable alternative that resolves technical issues.

Respect for Copyrights

Employees who may have an incomplete understanding of the copyright laws in the United States can create liabilities for businesses without realizing it. Web content, documents, concepts, and ideas that belong to someone else have legal protection against unauthorized use. Intellectual property belongs to the person who originated it, and employees can create legal issues for companies by downloading copyrighted material.

How Can a Business Implement Web Filtering?

Businesses can implement web filtering with on-premise software or through a cloud-based managed service. The option to rely on in-house controls may work well for companies who install software on servers with protection behind a firewall. Limitations include making an original investment in a license and assigning a technician to set up and maintain the filtering variables. While it may lack scalability and flexibility, an in-house system may meet company objectives in the short term. As reliance on SaaS cloud applications increases, businesses may need to consider other options.

Implementing web filtering requires experts who can manage the transition with understanding and thoroughness. Selection of the URLs to block access to sites can deny it to someone in the company who needs it. The implementation processes may go along more smoothly with a managed service provider who understands the complexities that make it work well for everyone.

Choosing a Path to Protection

Whether you decide to install web filtering protection in-house or select a service provider to implement it, the key to safe browsing on the internet lies in using some type of protection. Avoidance of cyberattacks provides a justifiable reason for an investment, but it does much more. Companies can ensure compliance with guidelines without pinpointing anyone, and the restrictions become commonplace as employees realize their value. The benefits far exceed the cost of investment, and they produce a cohesive environment that promotes productivity and resistance to cyberattacks.

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